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Thursday, May 24, 2007

new found glory

Last semester I had taken an Asian Arts Special Topics course that inspired the heck out of me. I can honestly say that the class itself was not at all what I had expected, but I have noticed a subtle difference in my approach to subject matter and overall placement that I feel is a result of this class.

One artist that I absolutely cannot stop thinking about is Aubrey Beardsley. Though he is an England artist, he was indirectly inspired by the Japanese ukiyo-e prints. His work was absolutely revolutionary of his time. Which inevitabley (and collaborately) sparked the Art Nouveau movement.

I am currently changing my concentration (for my BFA) from painting, to printmaking. I feel as though I have a pretty vast understanding about painting, yet I have no idea about where to even begin with printmaking. Hence the fact that it is important for me to venture beyond the comforts of the paint brush and perhaps develop another artistic skill. I no doubt have held fast to the methods and techniques of Beardsley so that I may apply them to my own.

Besides Beardsley, there is one more artist that I have utterly fallen in love with. I am shamefully uncertain as to the artist's name, but I will assume that it is Nebo Peklo. Though I believe it is two artists that have this site, I am still uncertain. I'm sure I could do 30 seconds of research and find out, but I dont feel like it. I wont go into details as to why they inspire me, but it seems rather obvious....theyre freakin brilliant!! And theyre my new found glory....(the link above takes you to their site).

Those of you whom actually received mine and Jonathan's wedding invitations will see that we used some work by these brilliant artists to make our invites...(can I admit that?)


"Nebo Peklo" is ONE artist = Natalie. Her brilliance has spurred new things in my artistic life which cannot be put into words. She is by far one of my most admired artists....her stuff is well worth the peak!! That 30 seconds of research seems rather worth it now....sorry!!


Anonymous said...

That's beautiful, it must be coming from someone very beautiful, with a very understanding partner.

amber said...

that has no relevency to the topic...but i love it!

Anonymous said...


It's Nebo Peklo

My name is Natalie and I am one person (i think!)


amber said...

Thanks Natalie, I'm excited to hear from you!....I hope that its fine with you that we used these for invitations....I suddenly feel really guilty! Does saying sorry justify my actions?

I do LOVE your work...